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Connection Opportunity post #3

How do you show up in the world? For yourself? For your coworkers? For your family or friends? With this week being all about love, we want to remind you to be kind to yourself and others. Everyone has shit, so compassion is always a good default connection opportunity.

Below are some questions to help you evaluate or become more aware of how you appear.

How does what you say, do, or feel serve you? Where should you make changes? What are your challenges as it relates to connecting with others?

Today is a day when people want to feel connected and loved. Where can you find more opportunities to gift that to others or yourself?

  • Family/Kids - How do you show up for your kids when you are frustrated or tired?

  • Personal /Self - What do you say to yourself when you fail in an area of life? Deadlines, plans, finances?

  • Clients/students - Who are you for your clients/students? Are you a teacher? Supporter? Going through the motions?

  • Work/professional - What does your communication at work say about you? Respect, team member, negative, positive, support?

  • Nature - What mood are you in when it rains? Do you have more negative thoughts or calm thoughts? Do you get anxious about unpredictable situations? If so, why?

  • Community/online networks - How do you challenge people in online conversation? How do you show up in conflicting points of view? Do you get angry or curious?

Take that next step; you never know what you might find for yourself. Check out our website for additional resources or tools to connect with yourself or those you love. 

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