Connection Opportunity post #7
Competition undoubtedly brings people together. My husband and I felt this when we attended the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. What about athletic competition encourages comradery? Or does it? Is it the achievement of something great or the struggle when your team just misses the mark?

Below are some questions to help you evaluate or become more aware of how experiencing intense competition can bring you together to connect with others.
How does it serve you, and where can you make changes? Where are your challenges related to connecting with others when experiencing competing points of view?
Family/Kids - How do you encourage your kids to have a bit of healthy competition? How does that serve them?
Personal /Self - Do you allow yourself to experience competition? If so, does it take over your emotions, or do you find yourself struggling to engage in competition? If so, why?
Clients/students - What lessons await students or clients in taking part in a little competition? How does it bring you closer or facilitate a connection?
Work/professional - How does competition make you a better employee? In what ways does competition facilitate connection to others in your work?
Nature - How does achieving a shared goal naturally bring people together? What does a loss teach you in connecting with others?
Community/online networks - What do you notice about online communities in competitive markets? How does something like the Super Bowl, for example, impact online networks? How does it bring us together or create a divide?
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