Why is Self-Discovery Important?
Well, I don't know who you are unless you tell me. So, who are you?
Ahhh, the buzzword self-discovery. Ok, this is not what you think, or it may be. Either way, you're here. Why is self-discovery important? Why does it matter? Well, let's start with the obvious, but this post will cover the following:
Connection with yourself entices the evolution of who you are.
Increasingly, research shows that neuroplasticity is possible the more you learn about ... well, you!
Your values are only known if self-discovery happens.

Self-discovery is a form of evolution. It allows for space and time to see growth and change. I know I am not the same person I was in my teens and twenties. My thirties posed different challenges, and so I have evolved. Our experiences shape who we are and how we adapt over time. Self-discovery opens the door to allow us to reflect on what is missing, needs attention, or what we are doing well.
As human beings, evolution is a part of our makeup. Our bodies have changed over time to adapt to our environment, and so has how we connect. The ability to connect has evolved from letters to telegrams, telephones, and now social media. It has become faster and more instantaneous. However, is that better? Or have our minds and bodies adapted to what we see today based on the biological need we as human beings have to connect with others? We will look to answer these questions in the Next Step Connect Blog post.

Our Brains are amazing.
Self-discovery is important because it helps us understand our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By better understanding ourselves, we make space to identify our strengths and weaknesses, which can help us make better decisions, connect with others, and improve our overall well-being. Human beings need to define a sense of purpose and meaning. Increased self-awareness helps us better understand what we must do to discover our purpose and meaning. Subscribe to see more posts about neuroplasticity.
In turn, an increased self-awareness helps to identify how one's thoughts, emotions, and well-being can impact others. As a byproduct of our discovery, we can make space for increased understanding and acceptance of others. Yes, even when we don't agree with their viewpoint or stance on a particular subject. See more about this in the connecting posts below.

It's more than just a mathematical word. Values can add emphasis to what matters most to us. We often tie values to emotions; however, our values can be scientific. We are familiar with the phrase, "Make decisions with your head, not with your heart." or vice versa. Research shows that medical professionals are learning more and more about our gut microbiome and its impact on neurological functioning.
There are increasing studies that show our gut microbiome can regulate the early development of neurons in a way that can have a lasting impact on our behavior. No, I am not a medical professional and don't claim to be. However, do you ever notice a difference in mood levels when you eat certain foods? Does the phrase food comma ring a bell? Do you also get hangry, or at least people around you lovingly give you that title when waiting to be seated at a restaurant?
Values allow us to attach context to why we choose to connect in the way we do. By identifying them, we organize our thoughts around our values in a contextual way, allowing us to intentionally apply them to our environment when we are looking to connect with other people.
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