Things we love : Work edition.
We've selected all the things we love in our work environment. We've linked each one and why you will love them, too! Check them out!
Work items: everyone has a vibe they want for their work environment. What is yours? And how do you figure that out?
I usually start with Pinterest or Instagram; I follow several influencers who always find the best deals. Find the ones that you resonate with and the ones that speak to who you are. Feel free to reach out; they are there to support and encourage you.
For me, sharing what you love is also sharing a part of yourself with others. It is a way to connect with who we are and what we value or to connect creatively. Have you ever sat around the kitchen table and talked about a new item you bought or a movie you saw, and people wanted to know how you felt about it? Or what your thoughts were? That is a form of connection by sharing your thoughts and feelings about an item you spent money on.
Let's get started. OK, office items are a big one we get asked about. Since COVID, several people have invested in reorganizing their space to serve them better. Standing desks have become more and more popular. There are many health benefits to sitting all day. They have also become more and more affordable.
We like this one because it is easy to use and looks nice. Several hooks on the side allow for additional use and better storage of loose items. I stand at my desk at least once daily in the office, so it is nice to continue that practice when I work from home.
Let's talk about the items on my desk. I am in love with this leather desk mat. It serves two functions: a coloring pad for my kids (not intended, but a good idea), a mouse pad, and a soft place for my wrists to rest on my desk. Have you ever felt like you can't rest your hands on the cold, hard top of your desk? That is me. I also found this to look sophisticated. I am big on the aesthetics of my space, so this brought all my little nic nacs together and just made the space more pulled together with the function of a mouse pad and a pad for my wireless keyboard. (I have the one pictured in the example as well. See more about this below.
The wireless keyboard is something I could not live without. I am OK with using my laptop; however, I am a bit further away from my screen at work, so a wireless keyboard has come in handy. This is my version; it is very similar to the one pictured.
The battery lasts long, even when I forget to turn it off over the weekend. Honestly, that happens more than it should. Again, I appreciate the sleekness of the keyboard and the simple design. It is lightweight and easy to use. The setup was simple and only required batteries and the USB connected to the mouse. If you need something reliable, affordable, and easy to use that looks expensive, I recommend this keyboard.
If you are like me, my laptop will get overheated occasionally. So, I was searching for something to help alleviate the problem. I read that a stand is helpful. However, I wouldn't say I liked typing on top of the stand or entering the wireless keyboard. I purchased another portable one for home. This one is good. However, the battery does wear out faster than the one previously mentioned. I found that once the battery ran out, I had trouble keeping it connected, so if you have, fix that problem. Great! Either one worked well for my needs.
I've found that the computer stand I mentioned has worked out well. My computer gets hot less often, and the stand will hold my vast 17-inch computer and my smaller work laptop, which is a plus. Check out these items if you want something affordable to help with organization or function in your workday. All the links can be found below. Until we meet again, enjoy!
Product links:
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